Grant Associates' Peter Chmiel appointed as judge for 2022 World Green City Awards

Peter Chmiel, Director of pioneering international landscape architecture practice Grant Associates, has been appointed to the technical panel of judges for the 2022 AIPH World Green City Awards.

Peter is one of twenty-three multi-disciplinary experts chosen from around the world to be part of the technical panel that will assess and score the entries received for the inaugural AIPH World Green City Awards.

Leaders in the global green city space have been chosen for the technical panel, with combined expertise spanning across the six award categories. The technical panel will select a shortlist of entries for each award category, and put forward recommendations on which shortlisted entries should also be considered for the overall AIPH World Green City award.

The inaugural edition invited all cities to showcase their strategic greening and urban nature initiatives that pursue a meaningful impact, are being successfully implemented, have potential to further scale or spread to other cities, and exemplify resilience in how they are conducted.

The 2022 award categories are:

Living Green for Biodiversity: Addressing the loss of species, habitats, ecosystem health, and genetic diversity.

Living Green for Climate Change: Tackling the root causes and effects of climate change in order to build more liveable and resilient cities.

Living Green for Health and Wellbeing: Addressing the medical, behavioural, and social determinants of health for residents.

Living Green for Water: Ensuring that water resources are safeguarded and wisely used, with clean water available to all while also protecting residents from flooding risks.

Living Green for Social Cohesion: Fostering belonging, trust and inter-generational as well as cross-cultural relationships to prevent exclusion, marginalisation and violence.

Living Green for Economic Recovery and Inclusive Growth: Creating systems and solutions that allow all city residents to overcome economic distress and thrive.

The shortlist will be delivered to the 2022 awards jury who will select from the entries one winner per category, as well as the overall AIPH World Green City winner.

Peter Chmiel, who jointly won the Gold Award at 2021’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show with Grant Associates senior associate Chin Chen for the pair’s Guangzhou Garden that explored the future possibilities for landscape cities, looks forward to the opportunity to review and assess the greening and urban nature initiatives of cities globally.

He comments:

“I feel honoured, privileged  and thrilled to have the opportunity to review a number of entries for such an important global award. This inaugural World Green City Award covers six categories based on economic, environmental and social initiatives and, when such initiatives are considered holistically, it highlights a global appetite to recast many increasingly populated cities as 'landscape cities.' I anticipate many of the submitted initiatives will contain very interesting data that will facilitate knowledge-sharing, aid future evidence-based decision making and also support a global green city movement as a whole.’’  

Tim Briercliffe, AIPH Secretary General, comments:

“AIPH is very proud to see the Technical Panel come to life for the very first edition of the World Green City Awards. We warmly welcome each member of the panel as we anticipate the announcement of the shortlist. We sincerely thank the Technical Panel members for their dedication to this exciting process. Together we look forward to showcasing the inspiring greening initiatives from leading cities around the world who are all taking action for plants, nature, and people.”

To learn more about the members of the technical panel, visit

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About Grant Associates

Grant Associates is a pioneering international landscape architecture practice. Our work reconnects people with nature in insightful, delightful and distinctive ways whilst addressing the global challenges of urbanisation, the climate crisis and biodiversity extinction.

Our design process is underpinned by a knowledge of human behaviour, nature and ecological science combined with innovative design technology. We bring original thinking, creative collaboration and are exploring what regenerative design and the circular economy means to landscape architecture.

Our varied portfolio includes ambitious large-scale, landmark projects through to small, local ventures.
