Andrew Grant appointed Chair of Bathscape Landscape Partnership

Andrew Grant, founder and director of Bath based landscape architect Grant Associates, has been appointed Chair of Bathscape Landscape Partnership.

Andrew Grant, founder and director of Bath based landscape architect Grant Associates, has been appointed Chair of Bathscape Landscape Partnership.

Andrew, who is also a Bath resident and co-founder of community arts event Forest of Imagination, will help shape the future strategy of the Partnership, which aims to benefit Bath’s unique landscape for people, communities and heritage.

Bathscape Landscape Partnership is made up of a wide range of public, private and charitable organisations including Bath and North East Somerset Council (B&NES), National Trust, Cotswold Conservation Board, Avon Wildlife Trust, Bath Preservation Trust, the University of Bath, Bath Spa University and Wessex Water.

The Partnership wants to enhance the heritage, landscape and wildlife value of the setting of the City of Bath World Heritage Site by engaging the community in its care and revitalising its use for health, recreation and fun.

Andrew’s appointment follows Dr Marion Harney, Director of Studies - Conservation of Historic Gardens and Cultural Landscapes at the University of Bath, three- year successful stint as chair.

Dr Harney’s achievements included securing a Heritage Lottery Funded (HLF) scheme to develop and deliver an ongoing programme of activities known as The Landscape Partnership Scheme to progress Bathscape’s aims. These include; landscape conservation and enhancement projects; interpretation, access and wayfinding improvements; skills and training opportunities; and general awareness raising of the opportunities to enjoy the landscape for visitors and residents.

Andrew will help in the continued development of The Scheme, supporting the Partnership’s bid for the delivery phase HLF grant.

Andrew Grant, comments: “Bathscape is a fantastic initiative and has the potential to be the catalyst that can transform the way we think and act with respect to the social and environmental fabric of this great city and its setting. I am delighted to be offered the chance to join the Partnership on this important, landmark initiative.”

"Bathscape is a fantastic initiative and has the potential to be the catalyst that can transform the way we think and act with respect to the social and environmental fabric of this great city and its setting. I am delighted to be offered the chance to join the Partnership on this important, landmark initiative." Andrew Grant, founder and director of Grant Associates
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About Grant Associates

Grant Associates is a pioneering international landscape architecture practice. Our work reconnects people with nature in insightful, delightful and distinctive ways whilst addressing the global challenges of urbanisation, the climate crisis and biodiversity extinction.

Our design process is underpinned by a knowledge of human behaviour, nature and ecological science combined with innovative design technology. We bring original thinking, creative collaboration and are exploring what regenerative design and the circular economy means to landscape architecture.

Our varied portfolio includes ambitious large-scale, landmark projects through to small, local ventures.
